Indulge in this delicious Devil's Cake, made with rich chocolate sponge layers and filled with a creamy chocolate ganache and chocolate buttercream. It's a truly sinful treat that is sure to satisfy any chocolate lover's craving!
**Please note: the price doesn't included the flower design. Please place the cake in room temperature 20-30mins before consuming the cake.
嚟犒賞自己啦,試吓呢個美味嘅惡魔蛋糕啦!佢用濃郁嘅朱古力海綿蛋糕層製成,再加埋一層層嘅朱古力ganache 同朱古力奶油芝士奶油。呢個係一個欲罷不能嘅享受,絕對可以滿足任何朱古力愛好者嘅渴望!
Flour, Cocoa Powder, B.S ,Butter , Eggs , Milk , Cream , Sugar , Vinegar, Garpeseed Oil, 74% dark chocolate, edible silver &gold powder, house-made vanilla essence